Elouera Reserve – ready for fun and games

Located in the busy commercial precinct of Macquarie Park, Elouera Reserve is being upgraded as part of City of Ryde’s Shrimptons Creek Precinct Activation Program and the Children Play Implementation Plan.
Finishing touches are being put on the new park and playground with custom designed artwork, grassed kick-about space, picnic areas with barbeques, improved seating and lighting, new trees and planting throughout.
Glascott’s work included demolition and disposal of the old play equipment, creating the elevated flat kick-about space – approx. 2,000m3 and requiring bulk filling to raise levels, installing sandstone log retaining walls, sandblasted exposed aggregate coloured concrete pavements and stairs and a large volume of in-situ concrete walls with detailed level changes throughout the play area.
The new play equipment was installed along with custom feature artwork from Milne & Stonehouse titled ‘Flora Kingdom’ and representing flower buds. The playground also features a mound with embankment slides.
Upgraded area lighting and uplighting were fitted with a new main switchboard. Soft landscape works included around 2,000m2 of Empire Zoysia turf, garden areas and edging, and installation of advanced trees.
An important aspect of the project was getting the levels right. Glascott assisted City of Ryde in ensuring levels were accurate and met design expectations.
Glascott has delivered previous projects for City of Ryde including Ryde Park Stage 2 and Stage 3, and the Blaxland Road upgrade. They are also currently delivering Ryde Garden for Watpac – one of Sydney’s largest residential developments, proving Ryde is an evolving area of Sydney.