14 Oct 2020

Glascott Landscape and Civil delivered the upgrade to the dog park and playground at Toorak Park for City of Stonnington.
The project is part of the Toorak Park & Victory Square Masterplan, which aims to improve important community spaces.
The play space upgraded features additional trees, new footpaths and lighting, park furniture, and turf areas with irrigation. We assisted Council in refining the design to ensure the best outcome was achieved.
Being busy community spaces, our program aimed to minimise disruption to users while we worked safely and efficiently towards the desired outcome for City of Stonnington and the community.
The scope of works includes:
- Capping layer of 3500m2of contaminated fill
- 300m2of new exposed concrete path
- New playground area with softfall rubber and jumping logs
- Landscaping works such as steel edging, timber edging, mud rocks, timber steppers
- Civil works including drainage, earthworks and electrical
- Softworks such as planting, mulching, and cultivation
- Establishment maintenance