Safety first, second, and last
15 Jan 2016

Glascott’s integrated Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (HSEQ) System provides the framework for our policies, procedures and processes, and our people are committed to its operation and implementation.
We are very proud of our safety culture and commitment of our people, some of whom were recognised early this year when Lendlease presented our Jordan Springs NSW team with their “R.I.S.E.” Award (Recognising Initiative in Safety Excellence), and also late last year, when Laing O’Rourke awarded our team member ‘Safety Person for December’ at the CSIRO Black Mountain site, in the ACT.
Glascott’s HSEQ Manager, Pablo Gutierrez, says these awards represent the contribution from everyone in the organisation.
“Congratulations to all involved in these awards. I’m really proud of our entire team’s continued dedication in identifying and managing risks on site. It’s this commitment that keeps people safe.”
Glascott’s internal ‘Safety Star’ award is another recognition presented every month to a staff member who has made a significant contribution to safety.
Pablo has an absolute resolve for the continuous improvement of our management system and the ongoing education of our people. “Only through our collective contribution do we continue to operate a responsible business, one where everyone goes home safely at the end of every day.”