Coal Loader Green-Roof Project Progress

The Coal Loader Centre for Sustainability green-roof project is taking shape. Our dedicated team is working hard to deliver across a diverse scope including the green-roof over the existing heritage building, feature stone and concrete walls on the eastern apron, lift and lookout structure, upper catwalk and tunnel network.
Demolition works saw the partial removal of the Thames River gravel heritage upstand wall on the western side of the platform, which has opened up views to Cockatoo Island. Construction of the feature sandstone and concrete walls along the Eastern Apron are taking shape.
The piers for the main ramp are now complete and the ramp formwork is well advanced, as is concrete remediation work in the tunnels and chambers. We’ve also completed the lift pit ready for the lift shaft and elevated walkways that connect the lookout, platform, green-roof, community garden chook yard and tunnels.
Delicate removal the Mead Morrison Feeder Engine (coal cart), which has been stationary at the site since 1976, was required to create access for the demolition of the adjacent metre thick (approx. 350 tons) concrete walls. This will make space for the new mezzanine viewing platform and display area.
In the coming months, the team will continue installing services, fire system, and restoring the tunnels and chambers. They will further develop the feature walls and pavements, complete the main elevated ramp, fabricate the lookout lift structure, colonnade and mezzanine, and install the refurbished coal chutes.
Due to the sensitive nature of this historic site, our team is taking great care to ensure integrity is retained at each phase of construction.
We are very excited to watch this amazing public space coming to life.