WestConnex M4 East Legacy Works: green infrastructure and community space

The WestConnex, a joint project of the New South Wales and Australian governments, encompasses widening and extension of the M4 Western Motorway (M4), a new section for the M5 Motorway (M5), and a new inner western bypass of the Sydney CBD connecting the M4 and M5. The project itself is the largest infrastructure project in Sydney to date.
In our third consecutive year on the WestConnex, Glascott’s have been engaged to deliver an important community and green infrastructure project; The Legacy Project – Powell’s Creek & Green Links, directly for the Sydney Motorway Corporation.
Proving our capability on the WCX M4 Widening (2017/2018), current involvement on the WCX M4 East (2018/2019) and anticipated commencement of the WCX New M5 (2019) Glascott has partnered with CPB Samsung John Holland Joint Venture to deliver this unique project, that will increase open and public spaces between the M4 East & local roads while also improving access to them.
The existing footprint of the Legacy Project, is currently an unused vegetation corridor that sits adjacent to the new Westconnex M4 East and stretches north from Parramatta Road to Pomeroy Street, Homebush. The former brick pit site, is undergoing a transformation to provide increased public open space and enhanced accessibility for the local communities of Strathfield Council and the City of Canada Bay Council.
The main project objectives are:
- Facilitate the completion of the north-south cycle linkage along Powell’s Creek to Parramatta Road
- Creation of an enhance regional park along Powell’s Creek
- Creation of a linear park from Bill Boyce Reserve to Underwood Road and then through to Powell’s Creek
- Retain all existing mature trees and other substantial vegetation
Provide attractive, distinctive park entries on Underwood Road, Allen Street & Parramatta Road - Construction urban spaces, activate hard surfaces & functional active play & fitness spaces
- Glascott’s Project Manager, Travis Atkins current involvement in the WestConnex, will see him delivery the project in conjunction with his site team.
The Legacy scope of works entails the following:
- Site demolition, clearing and remediation.
- Service Utilities: New Electrical & Lighting, Hydraulic and sewer works
FRP Works – new shared pathways and decorative concrete hardstand areas. - Construction of a new nature playground, futsal sports court and multiple fitness stations.
- Construction of a new pedestrian footbridge, new toilet amenities and boundary fencing.
- Creation of new feature entry statements and custom furniture.
- Soft Landscaping including new Specimen Park Trees
The project commenced in December 2018 with completion expected by the early August 2019. The Legacy Project – Powell’s Creek & Green Links with its new community spaces will be handed back to Strathfield Municipal Council and the local community.
Glascott involvement to date on the WestConnex
Stage 1a:
Widening Project Overview:
The M4 Widening saw the construction of an additional lane in each direction between Parramatta and Homebush, about 7.5km long. Glascott delivered soft landscaping and hydroseeding along the entire stretch of motorway and adjacent local roads. We are currently providing post construction maintenance.
Stage 1b: M4 East Project Overview:
The M4 East is the extension to the M4 Motorway between Homebush and Haberfield via Concord resulting in 6.5km long motorway with 5.5km inside tunnels. The M4 East will alleviate the frustrating delays and gridlock that motorists face daily when they come off the M4 and hit a standstill on Parramatta Road.
Glascott commenced works in August 2017 and are due to complete by early March 2019.
We’ve been engaged by CSJ to deliver hard and soft landscaping works to the Concord Road Interchange, Wattle Street Interchange and Parramatta Road Interchange.
Our future works
Stage 2:
New M5. Local Road Works, St Peters and Western Portal, Kingsgrove
The New M5 will provide twin underground motorway tunnels, nine kilometres long, from Kingsgrove to a new St Peters Interchange at the site of the old Alexandria landfill facility. The St Peters Interchange will provide motorists with connections to Alexandria and Mascot Local streets and intersections around the St Peters interchange are also being upgraded to ensure safe and efficient connections for the New M5
Glascott will be commencing these works in February 2019. We have been engaged by CDSJV to undertake soft landscaping to the Local Roads at St Peters and the Western Portal at Kingsgrove. Completion aimed for early 2020.