Cooks Riverside Parklands upgrade
13 Nov 2019

Inner West Council is implementing a 10-year plan to improve the Cooks River Parklands – a connected series of open spaces that form the northern corridor of the lower Cooks River.
The current upgrade includes general park improvements, playground upgrade, and bio-retention stormwater treatment systems. Glascott was awarded the project with a scope of works that entails:
- Upgrade to the existing Steel Park playground, creating a new all abilities play space and social hub including nature play elements, new shelter, seats, paths, fencing, and planting.
- Construction of two swale drain type stormwater treatment systems at Steel Park North to improve the quality of stormwater draining to the Cooks River.
- New paths to improve accessibility within Steel Park, Robinson’s Lookout, and Warren Park.
- New lighting to part of the Cooks River shared path and Steel Park North.
- Improve the overall park amenity and aesthetics with planting and new park furniture, and provide a new accessible pathway from Thornley Street
Works commenced in December last year, with the project expected to be complete by June 2019. Site establishment will follow along with 6-months of maintenance so that plants and vegetation can develop.