M4 East – The Legacy Project: next stop Haberfield Gardens
13 Oct 2019

Work has commenced on Haberfield Gardens for Westconnex Transurban. The project is part of the M4 East – Legacy Works, which aims to increase open and public space along the WestConnex corridor and enhance accessibility for local communities and wider Sydney.
Haberfield Gardens is situated between Wattle Street and Walker Avenue, Haberfield. The new park highlights the collaboration between WestConnex Transurban, Inner West Council, and local residents during extensive community consultation, and will feature a play area, passive recreation space, a formal entry reflecting the local heritage, and pedestrian and cycle paths for access and connectivity to local streets. An acrylic etched noise wall is being constructed along Wattle Street to improve the park’s amenity.
Glascott is working in collaboration with Fulton Hogan Egis O&M, who operates and maintains the M4 and new M4 East. Haberfield Gardens is due to be completed by early 2020.
The Glascott Footprint
Over the past 4 years, Glascott have delivered extensive landscaping project on the WestConnex corridor, including:
2017-2018: Stage 1a: Widening Project
M4 Widening in each direction between Parramatta and Homebush. Glascott delivered soft landscaping and hydroseeding to the entire stretch of motorway, around 7.5km, and adjacent to local roads.
2017 – 2019: Stage 1b M4 East
The project extended the motorway between Homebush and Haberfield. 6.5km of new motorway and tunnels were created to alleviate gridlock and delays in the inner city. Glascott provided hard and soft landscaping works to the new Concord Road Interchange, Wattle Street Interchange, and Parramatta Road Interchange.
2019-2020: Stage 2 New M5 Local Road Works, St Peters and Western Portal, Kingsgrove
Nine kilometres of new M5 motorway and tunnels, from Kingsgrove to the new St Peters Interchange, was created to provide motorists with connections to Alexandria and Mascot, and safe and efficient connections for the New M5. Glascott are currently in the process of delivering large scale soft landscaping to local roads around St Peters and the new Western Portal Interchange at Kingsgrove. The project is due for completion in early 2020.
2019: The Legacy Project – Powell’s Creek & Green Links, Homebush (now Ismay Reserve)
The Legacy Project aims to increase open and public space along the WestConnex corridor and enhance accessibility for communities. Glascott recently completed this project, creating a vibrant new linear park with sport & play opportunities, passive recreational space, and access across either side of the motorway.
Current: 2019-2020: The Legacy Project – Haberfield Gardens, Haberfield
Work has commenced on the new high-quality open space off Walker Avenue. Haberfield Gardens is due for completion and handover to Inner West Council in early 2020.
We’re proud to deliver these transformational projects that provide green infrastructure and improved liveability for communities.